Hybrid Software Group PLC Annual Report 2022 Hybrid Software Group Strategic report Governance Financial statements Other information Hybrid Software Group PLC Annual Report 2022 112 113 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) 35. MOVEMENTS IN LIABILITIES ARISING FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES In thousands of euros Lease liabilities Other liabilities Total Balance at 31 December 2021 3,821 11,174 14,995 Loan repayment - (307) (307) Deferred consideration paid - (310) (310) Contingent consideration paid - (715) (715) Principal payments of lease liabilities (935) - (935) Total cashflows (935) (1,332) (2,267) Contingent consideration fair value adjustment - (4) (4) Recognition of new lease liabilities 314 - 314 Remeasurement of existing lease liabilities 126 - 126 Other non-cash items* 138 (26) 112 Exchange rate effects (70) - (70) Total non-cash items 508 (30) 478 Balance at 31 December 2022 3,394 9,812 13,206 In thousands of euros Lease liabilities Other liabilities Total Balance at 31 December 2020 1,348 2,214 3,562 Loan repayment - (2,700) (2,700) Contingent consideration paid - (492) (492) Principal payments of lease liabilities (849) - (849) Total cashflows (849) (3,192) (4,041) Contingent consideration fair value adjustment - (3) (3) Recognition of new lease liabilities 1,674 - 1,674 Remeasurement of existing lease liabilities 1,438 - 1,438 Loans and borrowings acquired through business combinations - 11,105 11,105 Recognition of deferred consideration - 1,157 1,157 Other non-cash items* 164 (107) 57 Exchange rate effects 46 - 46 Total non-cash items 3,322 12,152 15,474 Balance at 31 December 2021 3,821 11,174 14,995 *Other non-cash items include the unwinding of discounts on lease liabilities. 36. SUBSEQUENT EVENTS There are no post balance sheet events requiring disclosure in the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2022. COMPANY BALANCE SHEET For the year ended 31 December In thousands of euros Note 2022 2021 Non-current assets Investments 4 101,121 101,121 Total non-current assets 101,121 101,121 Current assets Trade and other receivables (including €1,755,000 (2021: €597,000) due after more than one year) 5 2,303 1,621 Cash and cash equivalents 39 19 Total current assets 2,342 1,640 Current Liabilities Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year 6 (11,759) (10,481) Net current liabilities (9,417) (8,841) Creditors: Amounts falling due in more than one year 7 (866) (1,590) Net assets 90,838 90,690 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 9 13,164 13,164 Share premium account 9 1,979 1,979 Merger reserve 9 67,015 67,015 Treasury shares 9 (161) (202) Profit and loss account 8,841 8,734 Total shareholders' funds 90,838 90,690 The notes on pages 115 to 119 form part of these financial statements. Under section 408 of the Companies Act 2006 the Company is exempt from the requirement to present its own profit and loss account and related notes. The result for the year ended 31 December 2022 was a profit of €184,000 (2021: loss of €218,000). There are no recognised gains or losses for the current year or preceding year other than those disclosed above. These financial statements were approved and authorised for issue by the board of Directors on 11 April 2023 and were signed on its behalf by: Michael Rottenborn Director Company registered number: 10872426