Hybrid Software Group PLC Annual Report 2022 48 49 Hybrid Software Group PLC Annual Report 2022 Hybrid Software Group Strategic report Governance Financial statements Other information STREAMLINED ENERGY AND CARBON REPORTING (SECR) The following Streamlined Energy and Carbon Report (SECR) provides environmental impact information in accordance with the Companies Act 2006 (Strategic Report and Director’s Report) Regulations 2013 and the Companies (Directors’ Report) and Limited Liability Partnerships (Energy and Carbon Reporting) Regulations 2018. Global energy use and greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions from activities for which the Company is responsible for: Director’s report continued... 2022 2021 Energy used (kwh) Electricity (scope 2) Gas (scope 1) Fuel (scope 1) 364,332 191,969 946,099 356,803 156,683 579,544 Total energy used (kwh) 1,502,400 1,093,030 GHG emissions (CO2e tonnes) Electricity (scope 2) Gas (scope 1) Fuel (scope 1) 98.9 34.8 242.5 107.5 28.4 137.3 Total GHG emissions (CO2e tonnes) (a) 376.2 273.2 Intensity ratio Average number of employees 289 252 GHG emissions per employee (CO2e kilogram) 1,301 1,028 Effect of the carbon offset program with Ecologi (CO2e tonnes) (b) (2,751.0) (655.2) Net GHG (offset)/emissions (CO2e tonnes) (a+b) (2,374.8) (382.0) Electricity and gas are used to power and heat the Group’s offices and transport fuel is used by company cars provided to some employees. Where possible, primary data has been sourced (meter readings and supplier invoices), but where actual energy figures are not available a reasonable approximation has been used to estimate energy usage. There has been a continuation of the existing strategy to reduce the physical number of computers to consolidate into more efficient servers where possible. A senior manager has been appointed to head up and implement group-wide sustainability initiatives, including to reduce energy consumption across the Groups offices. The Company continues to partner with Ecologi, the platform that facilitates the funding of carbon offset projects and tree planting around the world, to offset its carbon footprint. Since October 2021, the Group has been working towards compensating for the environmental footprint of every employee in their work and personal life. At work, the Group is implementing policies to reduce Scope 1 and Scope 2 footprint such as sourcing renewable energy and low-carbon travel, and is talking with supply chains to measure and push down on Scope 3 carbon footprint. Through the partnership with Ecologi, the Group offsets the carbon footprint of all Group employees, whether at home or at work. Dan Harvey, Electronic Engineer, working at a print test rig in Meteor Inkjet’s main laboratory